
What Is The Theme Of Hidden Figures In Their Eyes Were Watching God

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Hidden Figures and Their Eyes Were Watching God Comparison
In both Hidden Figures and Their Eyes Were Watching God the main characters were female African-Americans. There are multiple comparisons that can be made throughout Hidden Figures and Their Eyes Were Watching God. They both showed the lives of female African-Americans that experienced sexism, racism, and they contributed to equality. There were many obstacles that all the characters had to face to fight for equality.
The characters in the movie and the book were faced with sexism. One of the first scenes in hidden figures was when the police officer came to check on them while they were fixing their car. He started to say “I had no idea they hired…” when Dorothy interjected and said …show more content…

In Hidden Figures there were many examples of racism with colored bathrooms, coffee pots, the colored people couldn’t use the bikes, the only colored bathroom was in a different building, and many more examples. In this movie they didn’t just focus on African-Americans, but female African-Americans. One of the biggest things in the movie was when Al Harrison went to take down the colored bathroom sign. After he hit down the sign he said “Here at NASA we all pee the same color.” This was a huge symbol that everyone was equal and that everyone should be treated fairly. He supported Katherine in many ways and opportunities. He also took the step to give her a chance. In Their Eyes Were Watching God Mrs. Turner says that she prefers mixed-race people like herself and Janie. Mrs. Turner lacks respect for Tea Cake because he has darker skin than herself. Tea Cake said “They're mighty particular how dead folks go tuh judgement…. Look lak dey think God don’t know nothin’ ’bout de Jim Crow law.” after he was helping put the dead people in the coffins after the hurricane. He noticed that the white people were given pine coffins while the black people were given nothing. While burying the corpses they had to make sure white and black people were not buried together. In the new town that Janie and Tea Cake moved to after the hurricane they realized that they were treated very …show more content…

One of the most moving parts in Hidden Figures was when Mrs. Mitchell Said “ I have nothing against you” and Dorothy responded with “I know you probably think that.” That Was a huge move by Dorothy because she was strong enough to stand up to Mrs. Mitchell and call her out for being racist. Another big part in Hidden Figures was when John Glenn said “Let the girl check the numbers.” At this time Katherine had just returned to previous job, but John Glenn knew that Katherine was the person behind the numbers and she was someone who he could trust. This part showed that she knew what she was doing and if it did not match what she got it was the wrong answer. One of the most important parts in Their Eyes Were Watching God was when Janie stands up to Jody’s “big voice”. When Jody starts to comment on Janie’s weight and how she looks, that is when Janie turns things around and makes a comment about Jodie in front of everyone in the store. Janie also makes a comment about Jodie that makes him feel as if he was losing his manliness. Those were only some of the ways that the characters contributed and helped pave the way for

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