What Is The Theme Of The Other Side By Jaqlanine Woodson

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In the book “The Other Side '' By Jaqlanine Woodson, there is a little girl and even though she is of a different race, she never doubts herself for one minute. I think the author is trying to teach us that it does matter what you look like on the outside, it matters who you are on the inside. The reason I know is thatbecause in the story describes a little girl named Cloverclover, who gets told not to play with the kids on the other side of the fence that separates black and white, but she takes that and does the exact opposite and sits with the little girl named ann on the bench and the other reason is, later in the book they take it a couple of steps forward and play with each other like two little girls, cause that's what they are and they should think nothing less. REASON 1 …show more content…

As I stepped outside, I headed toward my hammock and as I sat down I saw Ann sitting on the fence looking at me with wandering eyes as I just sat there wondering what to do. So, I worked up the courage to go say hi, going against everything my mom said, and started to build a conversation with that ann, and we talked and talked and after 2 hours of telling each other stories and their past, clovers mom calls to her and says “it's time for dinner” and so they part and hope to see each other