What Is The Voting Age To 16 Essay

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Voting age to sixteen

In the article You’re 16, You’re Beautiful and You’re a Voter by Anaya Kamenetz, illustrates that the voting age should be lowered to 16. She gives reasons of why the voting age should be lowered.
Anya Kamenetz is arguing about having the voting age be lowered to 16. As Kamenetz mentions “16-year-olds who want to start voting should be able to obtain “early voting permit” form their high school upon passing a simple civics course similar to the citizenship test.” Which is also the same for a driving permit since you have to take a driving class and pass the test in order to have a permit. This shows that 16-year-old need to have a class that prepares them to be mature enough to have a voting permit in order for the voting age to be lowered.
Another point the author mentions is that “Legal age requirements should never stand alone” which they need to be “flexible, pragmatic paired with education and cognitive requirements for the exercise of legal maturity”. Teenagers need to be prepared with education and know the requirements of being an adult for the voting age to be lowered. Which they need to have course …show more content…

If in school students are motivated take driver ed they should do also be motivated to take a course that would give them a voting permit for them to vote if they want. However, the voting permit in my opinion should be for the ones that feel mature enough because voting in the elections is important for many people since new president will be elected. Expecting teens to be more as adult is more difficult because older adults are expecting them to be mature but it helps them in a way in my opinion because they feel that they belong and their voices can be heard as well not just adults older then