
What Is Virgil Anti-Civil War

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According to the most authentic information that we have Publius Vergilius Maro was born on the 15th of October 70 BC in Mantua and died at around the age of 51 on the 21st of September 19 BC in Brundisium in Calabria. Virgil is often regarded by the Romans and many contemporary scholars as Rome’s greatest poet. When Virgil was still in his youth he was amidst the great conflict between Pompey and Caesar and which resulted in a series of civil wars that would begin after Caesar’s assassination and continue until Augustus’ victory at Actium in 31 BC. Understanding Virgil’s war-torn upbringing certainly sheds some light on some of the themes of his poems. It is no surprise that the writings of Virgil are very anti-civil war and therefore in support

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