
What Is Virtue And Can It Be Taught Analysis

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In the beginning of the narrative of “Meno” the contents promise us of a solution to the question, “What is Virtue” and “Can it be taught?”. However, when we reach the end of the conversation, all we find is a page full of disappointment. That is to say, all that Socrates and Meno have found out about the questions stated above is that they do not know what Virtue is, but at least they know that they do not know. In this short essay, I will attempt to find the definition of Virtue and answer the question of “Can it be taught.”

From our experiences with the people around us, we find pieces of Virtue in almost everyone we meet. But what makes this piece of the person, whether it be a personality, action or thought process, so admirable? In week one of our class, we defined Virtue as Courage, Respectable, Placing others before ourselves, and Attainable Characteristics of God. I believe that the fourth …show more content…

He has many attributes, but the ones I have been most focused on are His evident Humility, His ever-present Graciousness, and His undeniable Courage. Ephesians 5:1-2 commands us “ 5 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved [a]you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God [b]as a fragrant aroma.” If Virtue is Jesus’s actions and characteristics, is God not demonstrating to us through His word how to be Virtuous? Of course we are only human and it is impossible to completely imitate God in His perfection, but we are told in the verses above that Jesus loved and if we simply set our minds to walk in love, we are imitating God as His children. I have not addressed love as Virtue. However it is the underlying foundation of Jesus’s Humility, His Graciousness and His Courage. God would not request us as imperfect beings to walk in something He has not continually demonstrated how to

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