What It Means To Be Chosen Research Paper

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What does it mean to be “chosen”? Is it a way a person is viewed on their path in life, or

is it their abilities? This paper is about being the chosen group or person. Who is the chosen

person or group?

Who is chosen, or what is chosen? This could be a lot of things. The book contains

some characters that could be “the who” like Reuven, Danny, Mr. Malter, and Mr. Saunders,

they all make important choices in their lives and some are risky choices that led them on a

chosen path, a good question did they choose the path, or was is chosen by God? The What is

chosen is likely a group. The chosen group would be the Jews as it is stated in the Bible with

when God spoke to Abraham about his descendants, and that God tells …show more content…

The Bible defines chosen in many

verses such as Matthew 22:14 “For many are called, but few are chosen” this verse gives the

idea that a massive amount of people aren’t chosen if the Jews were excluded who were Gods

chosen people. The book “The Chosen” by Potok gives examples of being chosen as well if

someone think hard enough, being chosen for a role through blood, this would be Danny and

being a Rabbi. There is also being chosen for a path, this would be when Reuven got hit by

that baseball, think about it what would have happened if Reuven didn’t get hit with that ball,

would Danny have met Reuven? Would there have been more of a desire for Danny to kill

them? So many questions can be asked over the stopping of a single significant event.

What was Danny chosen for? He was chosen to be the next rabbi, but in the book it is

noticed that he is in battle between philosophy and religion, and because he is studying

German so he can read more of Freud’s philosophy says that philosophy is winning.

Philosophy and religion both give views on life and how the world works, the only difference