What Lessons About Government Did Colonial Americans Draw From The History Of Ancient Greece And Rome

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The Authors’ organization for Chapter 1 was organized topically because he was speaking on different topics on The Origins of American Political Principles. These are the major questions in this chapter: What are the broad purposes of government? How should government be designed to achieve its purposes? What lessons about government did colonial Americans draw from the history of ancient Greece and Rome? What circumstances led Europeans to leave their homelands to settle in America? What did democracy mean to our colonial ancestors, and did they approve it? Identify five key terms that will be central to understanding this chapter. Look at subject headings to find these terms. Define them as you read. Be sure to provide pages numbers. …show more content…

Oppression in Europe and the Settlement of America The authors want us to know that English Pilgrims and Puritans came generally from among the middling merchants, artisans, yeomen, and husbandmen, usually free and often successful, but barred based on their religious beliefs from advancing through the social and political hierarchies of the day. Puritan religious and secular leaders worked with Puritan parliamentary leaders to open an English society. Space, Diversity, and Dissent in Colonial America The authors want us to know that in England, there was often orthodoxy, but in America there were huge spaces between pockets of orthodoxy in which its influence was barely felt. As a result, when Roger Williams ran afoul of the orthodoxy of John Winthrop and John Cotton in Massachusetts, they could simply banish him, as they did, and he could simply flee south with his followers into what is now Rhode Island, which he