What Makes A Good Effective Research Paper

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My definition of good effective research writing is writing that clearly shows understanding of an identified topic and does so in a manner that a reader can follow and make sense of how all the information is related. The most important concepts to keep in mind while crafting a piece of research writing are focus, appropriate sources, and for the writer to have an overall understanding of the material. The focus of a research paper is important because without focus the paper becomes harder for a reader to follow. If a reader can not follow the writing it is not effective. A good way to create focus in a research paper is to narrow down the topic so that you are not bringing in a wide variety of sources then trying to tie them all together. The narrowed down topic will allow the writer to concentrate on one part of a subject making it so that the paper is more than a surface level look. Focus is also achieved by prewriting and creating an outline to follow so that the writer has something to base the paper off and stay on track. …show more content…

If your sources are incorrect or not based off facts your research paper would also have incorrect information. On the opposite side of the spectrum is using sources that are too high level making the information in hard to comprehend. If a source is above your level of knowledge it is difficult to fit that information into a paper because you may not completely understand it while it also would trip up your reader. If you find sources that are accurate and fit into your level of knowledge on the subject, you will be able to effectively use that information in your paper to craft a better