What Makes Albert Speer Portrayed As An Opportunist

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Albert Speer could be portrayed as an opportunist throughout the years of 1930 till 1954. In December 1930, Speer attended a Nazi rally, at which he heard Hitler speak. Shortly after Speer applied for membership of the Nazi party as he could see the increasing numbers of support and he put himself in a place of chances to help further his architectural career.

Shortly after Hitler came to power, Speer was awarded his first large party contract, to redesign the official residence of Joseph Goebbels. In the following months Speer was called upon to do several odd jobs for Hitler. At this time Speer was frequently invited to join Hitler over lunch or dinner, usually in a party of about 10 guests.

Hitlers passion for architecture was indulged …show more content…

“ he drew Speer to him like no one else, he singed him out and made him great”.

It seems that speers’ considerable prganising abilities were of more importance to Hitler then his architectural accomplishments. Undoubtedly, the two shared a close working relationship and there was a deep mutual respect.

The surprising death of Fritz Todtled to hitler summoning speer and informing him that he was appointed replacement to minister Dr. Todt in all his posts including the armaments industry.

After speer was promoted to Minister of armaments he found it difficult to maintain his relationship with hitler. He dound Hitler’s control over germany’s military efforts to be domineering and misguided.

After the D day invasions, Hitler demaned all basic infrastructures of Germany and the occupied territories be destroyed. This is referred to as the scorched earth policy. The plan was justified as a way of preventing the invading allied forces creating bases in Germany. Speer refused to follow hitler’s orders. He viewed the destruction as wasteful action. He was also aware of Hitler’s failing health and increasingly wild decision making. Speer spent the last months of the war trying to save Germanys manufacturing base and resisting Hiler’s Scorched Earth Policy. Speer later claimed in his last meeting with Hitler he told him they he had disobeyed his