What My Father Means To Me

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What my father means to me ?

Our friends and family play a large role in who we are today, and who we will be in the future. The biggest influence may come from our family, and for me is my father. He is a person of great character and integrity. He has shaped me into the person I am today by teaching me about respect and responsibility and that anything worth having taken a lot of hard work.

My father, Mr. Vimalesh Sharma, is my inspiration. My father is a pilot and I really want to pursue this profession be one too! He possesses certain qualities which I really admire. He is really punctual because his job demands him to be like that. He is loving, caring, hard-working, a devote Hindu, and he also displays good moral values. He has taught me important lessons of life. My father has shown a lot of patience with me. He has never given up on me and henceforth encouraged me to be a good prototypical citizen. The ones he most cares about is his parents, family and his children. He is a father who is always eager to give advice his children about life and always supports them.

During my 8th standard when I was not doing so well in a subject because I was not very good in academics as everybody expected good results out of me. My father then had a long conversation with me about life, he told me that it would be smarter if I would study hard because, it would be easier for me to get a job and be happy in life in fact I realized that would be the best way I could help me