What Role Did Women Play During The Industrial Revolution

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While the Industrial Revolution came with many downsides, it also created economic growth and offered many new opportunities. During the Industrial Revolution, women lacked the rights, recognition, and experience they needed to organize effectively. They could not vote, own or inherit property, keep any wages they earned, or hold any but the lowest-paying jobs. As far as women’s rights go, the Industrial Revolution proves numerous reasons as to why it has had a positive impact. Women are now able to vote, they have the ability to file for divorce, they most often end up with custody of their children in the state of divorce, they have very respected jobs & positions, and they have the ability to own properties. Industrialization redefined the role of women in the home, at the same time opening new …show more content…

Prior to industrialization, the home would have served as the hub of production, with women working mostly in the home but not any less physically demanding jobs as a result. Women would have been just as busy caring for cattle and bringing in supplies for clothes as they were with providing for their families. Many of them also brought other jobs into the house, such as weaving or hand-spinning. Although the so-called "cottage industry" continued after large-scale production began, the introduction of machinery had a lasting effect on women's life. The discrimination and hardships women faced in the workplace inspired women to band together and form the feminist movement. The biggest and most significant movement during the Industrial Revolution was the Suffrage Movement. The Suffrage Movement promotes the right of women to vote in elections. At the beginning of the 18th century, some people sought to change voting laws to allow women to vote. Liberal political parties would go on to grant women the right to vote, increasing the number of those parties'

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