What Role Does Moses Play In The Book Of Exodus

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Moses is one of the most significant figures in the Old Testament and is recognized to be the author of the Pentateuch. He was born to a Levite family and adopted by an Egyptian Princess, and lived a good life. The book of Exodus also tells us that after the killing of an Egyptian he fled to Midian and became a shepherd, where he had his encounter with God in the form of a burning bush. Moses was chosen by God and told to return Pharaoh where he was to bring redemption to His people, and to lead the Israelites from captivity in Egypt to salvation in the promised land.
This was one of the many events which brought out the best and worst out in Moses, and which had an impact on Moses’ life faith and obedience to God. It also tells …show more content…

Would a parent do this and how desperate must they of been to send their baby off not knowing what lay ahead. It was probably their faith that gave them the reassurance they needed and gave them the strength to carry out this courageous act of love for their child.
In all this is it tells us that God was pleased with what was happening and that Pharaoh’s plans of trying to prevent the growth of the population were disrupted because God was on the side of the Israelites and that He had chosen Moses to raise up as a leader of the Exodus, which is also to be a turning point in …show more content…

This could also have been a sign that Moses was struggling to understand what was happening in front of him, and when he heard God speak he was fearful of what other people would think of him and asking questions that he could not answer on the things that God had instructed him to do and say. Moses was not ready to say yes to God at first because of fear of what people would say. But what is it that Moses is most fearful of? Was it that he didn’t feel worthy or that the people could not put their trust in him.
When God spoke to Moses telling him his name I AM WHO I AM which means Yahweh in Hebrew. God is giving Moses everything that he needs carry out the task which God has set out for him, but still Moses has doubts God can see this in Moses and reassures him that he is capable of doing this. God is continuing to test Moses and push him to do things that he feels uneasy with, commanding him to go back to Pharaoh which is a task in itself knowing that he could be killed, but God still sends him, this could have been that God was doing this to see if Moses was ready to obey God no matter what the request

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