What Suggestions Would Psychology Help Make Or Raise Certain People In Our Society

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What suggestions would psychology make about how to help make or raise certain people in our society to be less aggressive or violent?

Aggression and violence are mainly caused by intent. Herbert Kelman came up with a resolution approach to terrorism, which could be used for aggression and violence as well. His idea is for community leaders to come together for small-group discussions and talk about mutual problems. When private meetings are held between the community leaders, there is less aggression towards one another and earnest communication is developed. To help people become less aggressive and help build a sense of mutual interdependence, we as people should encourage violent people to alter their perceptions. Removing conflict out of a person’s violent life will also help them to become less aggressive. (Chapter 14, page 597-601)

Anger is one of the key issues that lead to aggression and violence. To control bad cases of anger, therapy is one of the treatments. In therapy a combination of relaxation training, cognitive therapy, and skill development is used. Patients practice putting themselves quickly in a relaxed mood during an anger-producing situation. In cognitive therapy, a patient learns to direct their thoughts in an alternate way. In skill development, a patient learns practical applications, …show more content…

Punishment is a way to keep someone “in line”. Punishment can consist of fines, jail time, spanking, and disapproving looks. Usually punishments result in immediate change in behavior. Punishment doesn’t always work in the long run. Punishment will be effective on raising people to be less aggressive if it is swift, certain, limited in duration and intensity, clearly targeted on the behavior, limited to the situation in which the response has occurred, doesn’t give mixed messages, and uses negative punishment such as removing something in the situation instead of applying an unpleasant