What Was Germany's Imperial Government

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1.President Wilson declared that Germany’s imperial government can affect whether we live in a world of peace and democracy or conflict and autocracy. The imperial government of Germany did not give Germans rights like the United States and other countries had. Wilson believed that in order to have peace, democratic countries had to be partners. This proved to be impossible because the government of Germany sent spies all over the nation. Germany was run by an autocratic government so their true intentions were unknown and they could not be trusted. Wilson’s goal was to persuade nations to live in a democracy where peace and justice was experienced by all citizens. The threat was the power of autocratic governments because they made every decision without consent from the people. The German government was blamed for controlling its citizens and not giving them certain rights and freedoms. The German government threatened the existence of …show more content…

It was the United States’ right to make sure that its own people would remain safe and peaceful. It was their duty to try and make peace with Germany for the good of the German people as well. The President wanted to create a policy in which nations were given the rights and freedom of self-determination experienced in the U.S. President Wilson knew that by entering the war, it would be what was best for American citizens. It would bring peace among nations by putting a stop to autocratic governments which served as menaces to peace and freedom. America wanted neutrality to keep its citizens safe against unlawful violence but soon realized that neutrality was unrealistic after German submarines attacked other nation’s ships and did not allow neutrals to carry munitions across the seas. It was certain that American citizens’ rights would not be ignored or