What Was The Importance Of Thanksgiving In 1621

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The meaning of thanksgiving in America has changed numerous times since the pilgrims had the first thanksgiving in 1621. Another thing about thanksgiving that has changed numerous times is the date. The meaning and the date of thanksgiving has raised some controversy among much of the American population. Some Americans have a problem with the date of thanksgiving changing, and some Americans have not batted an eye at the change. Also some of the American people think that thanksgiving should be taken back to the way it was done by the pilgrims in 1621. Thanksgiving should have remained on the same date as the first thanksgiving to preserve memories of family. Thanksgiving should remain being celebrated the way it is today because some people would not recognize thanksgiving if it was celebrated the same way as the pilgrims had …show more content…

After Washington proclaimed thanksgiving, Lincoln changed the date yet again near the end of the Civil War. Lincoln's reason for changing the date was to please a woman named Josepha Hale an activist who wanted thanksgiving to be a national holiday. Lincoln should have never listened to Josepha, because if he would of ignored her request the date would have remained the same as Washington's date. Hence saving one of the date changes of thanksgiving. Another president that changed the date of thanksgiving was Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt's reason for changing the date of the holiday after it had been imprinted on Americans minds was to give the American people more time to shop for Christmas in between November and December during the Great Depression. Again though was there not more pressing matters president Roosevelt could have attended to instead of changing the date of thanksgiving. By Roosevelt doing this it again would confuse the American people because thanksgiving would be on yet another different day.