What Was The Role Of Democracy In Athens

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In Athens democracy only adult male citizens could vote, however women and slaves did not have political rights. The adult male citizens had an assembly were they met and discussed and debated different legislative issues and decisions on foreign policy, final decisions and proclamations were carved in stone and erected in prominent places like Agora(gathering place/market place),democracy in Athens was direct democracy. The assembly met four times a month but according to the ancient Greek calendar 40 times a year. Ostracism was also something done in ancient Greek democracy, the members of assembly wrote name of the person whom they want to be banished on a piece of pottery and the one with moat voted would be exiled for 10 years ,this was really helpful because it kept those people with lofty aspirations from being aggressive. …show more content…

the body of city magistrate served for 0ne year in Athenian democracy, chosen by lot from the citizens ,responsible for investigations of legal cases and in particular those that involve the state. They were also other political positions in Athenian democracy that were chosen by lot like tax collectors, market inspectors responsible to watch over merchant whether they are being honest or