What Went Wrong In The Iville Analysis

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What Went Wrong in The IDF.

What was Right? And What is wrong now?
Having a carrier on the IDF once was sublime. Carrier soldiers got an honorable position on the eyes of the Israeli society. They were captured in the eyes of the society as talented and motivated. They army offered motivating incentives to keep the young and talented commanders on duty.
Today, having the title of officer or non-commission officer is being lazy, earning what you don’t deserve and not fulfilling the main cause of the IDF and the Israeli society. Plus, the army stop supporting the self-development of the young commanders.
Blaming others:
The blame is on the Israeli society which is more materiel then it was. Academic education is more exalted then having a life time real experiences. The Israeli market Doesn’t refer Military veterans as people with allot of potential in the civilian market. The cutbacks in the ministry of defense budget had cause huge changes on the IDF.
Blaming ourselves: …show more content…

They are serving in non-combat units, barely do any significant and meaningful service. They complain about their salary which is higher than the average of the common salary in the Israeli market. They treat their soldiers with arrogance and disrespect. The IDF stopped supporting the young officers to get better and motivate them with incentives to continue serving in combat units. This fact is motivating young and talented officer flee from then army.
Past Solutions.
The army made a huge change to keep the young and talented commanders in service. They called it “The new carrier module of the IDF”. The concept of this new module is letting people be promoted to higher ranks earlier. And if you won’t get promoted till the age of 35 the army will grant you with money benefits and rewards. But, this solution makes the carrier soldiers be afraid of possible dismissal.

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