What Were Helen Keller's Accomplishments

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" No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit." These words mean that, anyone who has ever given up or won't even try won't be able to open new doors for themselves. Anyone who's ever been negative or won't even give things a try probably won't prosper like those who make an effort. If Helen Keller were alive today, and she heard about Weihenmayer's amazing accomplishment she would definitely speak out about it. Being that she was deaf, blind, and had physical disabilities she never let anything stop her. Erik Weihenmayer was also blind, and ended up climbing Mt. Everest. They both made amazing accomplishments while they were dealing with physical challenges. They never let that stop them. …show more content…

Everest. He knew the people in the past who attempted to do this task weren't so fortunate. He also knew that it would be even more difficult being that he was blind and knowing the mountain wasn't going to let up on him. Erik had an ample amount of time to give up and quit, He could have made excuses for himself and backed out last minute. Helen Keller would probably commend Weihnmayer if she was here today. She would also tell him that he isn't a pessimist, but a risk- taker, legend, and also an inspiration to people who think that they can't do something just because they might have a physical, or mental