What Were The Causes Of The Articles Of Confederation

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Causes of the Articles of Confederation In 1781, the Founding Fathers made the first attempt at government. This was called the Articles of Confederation. The pivotal event in American history, the Articles of Confederation was the cause of economic troubles and a disorganized government. Which led to the new government written document; the Constitution. By 1777, Congress believed that they needed a written rules or “written document” to show how they worked, or how they were organized (Ushistory.org). There were many improvements that the Articles of Confederation needed. There were six drafts of the Articles of Confederation until Congress had finally decided on one in 1777 (History.com). Maryland was the only state that was reluctant to vote or approve on the Articles becoming a written document. After Virginia convinced Maryland to vote, all thirteen states had voted and approved the Articles of Confederation by 1781 (Historyrocket.com). …show more content…

But it became more of a reason to give U.S Congress little to no power to control the states (Historyrocket.com). Due to the little power U.S Congress had, states were fighting each other and trading off to foreign countries. Each state could only vote once, and out of thirteen states, nine of them had to approve for the vote to be ratified. If anyone had a problem with the Articles of Confederation, and wanted to change or remove something, the vote would have to be unanimous in order for it to be added, or changed or removed (Historyrocket.com). After the Treaty of Paris of 1783, Congress could not get the states to follow the treaty. States even started their own kinds of business with foreign countries. Such as trading