What Were The Causes Of World War 1 Essay

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Causes of World War I June 28, 1914, a Serbian nationalist group, called the Black Hand, assassinated the Archduke of Austria and his wife. This played a significant role in starting WWI because of the escalating tension between countries and also within each country. The Black Hand hoped this action would gain independence from Austria-Hungary and start a revolt. After the turn of the 20th century, Europe was very strong, controlling empires, technologically advancing, and making art and music. Europeans were confident and felt the “world was their oyster”. However, this position of power was not here to stay. WWI was a horrific battle took place from 1914-1918. The great war had taken 10 million soldiers and wounded another 20 million. Europeans were badly broken and questions were being asked. What were the underlying causes of WWI? There are many, but the focus is on the complex alliances, …show more content…

These alliances were created to make situations more comfortable by bringing countries together to create more power. Europe was divided into the Triple Alliance which included Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. The other side was the Triple Entente including Great Britain, France and Germany. These ultimately caused tension and friction. Since the countries continue to blame each other for the course of WWI, the unity is gone, and friction continues. The surge of an arms build-up is another cause of the great war. This militarism and increased production of weapons shows that the country is preparing for war. They are getting ready. The chart shows the countries that are spending the most by year. Great Britain shows high numbers for armament growth. They have the largest navy, and felt they needed protection on their borders. This is the case because they are surrounded by water. In the British Octopus cartoon, the point is made that England is planting roots all over the

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