Cause Of World War One

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There ended up being many things that led up to the cause of World War One. World War One began on June 28, 1914, and the war was between the Allies and the Central powers. The Allies and the Central Powers both wanted the most power and kept going for countries to have more power. When Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife got shot and killed in Sarajevo, Serbia, it caused World War One to start. After both Archduke and his wife got shot the Allies and Central Powers began to declare war on each other. There were about 38 different battles fought; starting with the Battle of Frontiers and ending it with Meuse-Argonne Offensive. The majority of the battles lasted more than a couple of weeks. About eight million five hundred thousand people …show more content…

Imperialism is where one country expands it power and its Influence with military force and diplomacy. Before World War One was even beginning European countries had expanded its power to Africa, India, and parts of Asia. Britain, a country that is part of the Central Powers, had imperial-holdings on India and Africa. So, they were able to add people from those places to their already existing army. The Allies also wanted to expand their countries power plus defend democracy and how difficult it was against German authorization and their militarism. The Central Powers and the Allies kept wanting to expand all of their power and kept wanting to expand it to more and more countries. They kept trying to expand because they wanted to be ready for when there ended up being a war. They wanted to have a larger army so they could stand a chance of winning the war. However, before the war had even started all the countries had already had expanded their power and influence to a bunch of other countries. The Allies had power and had influenced lots of Africa, India, Egypt, and a few others. And the central powers had a lot of power over a number of countries too. So, it put the Central Powers and the Allies at each other because they both had a great amount of power over a number of different countries. So, both sides were competing with one other so they could have more control then the other side had. The First Moroccan Crisis and the Second Moroccan Crisis was where Germany tried to get Morocco, a country in Africa, and war almost began between the two sides. That caused the Allies countries allegiance to become better and they began to rely on each other more. Also, when Imperialism had really led to World War One was when Austria-Hungary gained territories from the Ottoman Empire and the Allies and Serbia were against that. Then that led to someone from Serbia killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who was

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