Causes of the First World War Even before the First World War started there has been a difficult and extensive debate about the cause of what became total war. The war broke out in 1914 and peace finally settled in 1919. All throughout the 1900s and at the beginning of the 20th century, Europe was at constant brink of war. As more than a hundred years have passed historians are still discussing the causes of the First World War. It all comes down to what seems a simple question; what or who caused The First World War? Well, this question is one that cannot be answered by one specific cause. The war was caused by a diverse set of causes and actions which took place in Europe way before the war and the moments before it broke out. Nationalism …show more content…
A history of constant conflicts and the creation of both shared and secret alliances were building up tensions in Europe. A combination of nationalism and alliances created a chain of reactions which determined the course of the conflict. The question stated is possibly never to be answered fully and completely. Nevertheless, it will be discussed and examined by looking at one of the greater watersheds in history, and the foundations of deeply interconnected causes it was built upon. Nationalism was an overhanging threat over Europe in the beginning of the 20th century. Nationalism; the concept of patriotic feelings and principles with an extremist approach, and desire for one’s nation to be politically independent from other nations. Prior conflicts and tense relations contributed to the rise of nationalism, and there was conflict between nations concerning domination over different areas in Europe and Africa. The Balkans were of great importance to both Russia and Austria-Hungary, …show more content…
But, the assassination could not, and did not cause the war by itself. What it did do, was starting a crisis with a chain of reactions where crucial decisions were made by the involved countries. The assassination was, simply put; the single action which tipped a continent’s tensions and suspicions into a four year long total war of destruction and disaster. Eventually the killing led to an Austrian ultimatum to Serbia. Which then developed to Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia. Russia, the protector of all Slavs then starts mobilization. Alliances of all sorts comes into play, and war on Russia is declared by Germany. Due to the Triple Entete, the French gets involved, and thus, war on France is declared by Germany. Germany invades Belgium, which causes Britain to enter the war by keeping their agreement to keep Belgium’s neutrality. Germany then declares war yet again, this time on Britain. Finally, July ends and on August 6th Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia. A diplomatic crisis between powers in Europe developed into a crisis of total