
What Will The Future Of The Internet Look Like By Matt Blitz

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Mitchell Hoover
Mrs. Merchant
English 12
13 December 2022
What Does the Future Hold for the Internet The internet is always being used, whether it be with schoolwork, the news, shopping, or even with how people laugh. Although it is in use all the time, it doesn’t mean the internet can’t change. “What Will the Future of the Internet Look Like”, by Matt Blitz, is about how the internet might change, and what the future has in store for it. Mr. Blitz asked questions to a variety of futurists, scientists, experts, researchers, and engineers to try and find out what the future of the internet might hold. The audience addressed in this article would be a younger audience, or an audience who wonders how the future might change and affect their …show more content…

The author uses ethos and pathos by asking authority figures questions to make the audience trust the article more, while also appealing to their emotions by making the future seem either exciting or fearful. Ethos is used when Mr. Blitz quotes Lee Rainie, who is the director of internet and tech Research at Pew Research Center, “‘In their responses], they talked about what the definition of a human being, literally, will be once this technology is available for our bodies and brains’” (Blitz). By stating that Lee Rainie is a director, the author builds trust with the audience, and uses this to present his ideas; about the future of the internet. Pathos is also used multiple times by playing into the fact that the future is unknown, “‘Human nature is what it is ... these technologies can be used for bettering the human condition ... but there’s a lot of evidence that humans will want to use these tools to do the things that humans have always done to each other when they don’t like each other’” (Blitz). Not only does it play into the emotions of the audience, but it also uses ethos because Mr. Blitz is quoting Rainie in this section. This causes the audience to not only feel wary about the future, but also trust that feeling because it is coming from an authority

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