When Closely Aligned Curriculum Assessment

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When closely aligned, curriculum, instruction, and assessment forms an educational triangle that is instrumental in classroom success. The first leg of the triangle, curriculum, reflects and provides a model of progression in learning which is foundational for instruction and assessment. Instruction, the triangle’s second leg, provides the information needed to successfully meet the identified goals and objectives of the instruction; while assessment, the third leg of the educational triangle, identifies reliable instructional strengths and weaknesses which are used to modify instruction, guide remediation, or to develop new strategies to improve learning. Together, closely aligned curriculum, instruction and assessment provide a framework which supports the classroom success of both student and teacher. …show more content…

Student-centered classrooms appropriately challenge students through clearly stated goals and behavioral objectives addressing both cognitive levels and rigor. Authentic instruction addresses the diverse educational needs of all students through flexible instruction designed to meet their individual needs, interests, and learning preferences. In addition, authentic learning engages all of their senses as students’ create meaningful, useful, shared outcomes to solve relevant, real-world problems and issues. Differentiated instruction addresses the diversity found within the boundaries of any classroom; enabling teachers to strategically plan ways to meet this challenge through the planning and delivery of instruction, classroom management, and performance expectations. In this way a caring, well-structured learning environment is created, enriching the learning experience as students set personal learning goals, take responsibility for learning, and work together to ensure lesson goals and objectives are