When Grading Should Be Done Essay

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What used to be me competing with other students, ended up being me trying to outdo myself in the end. This class, taught me ways to go out my comfort zone, and write things I wouldn’t dream of writing twenty years from now! Although there are many divergent views on how grading should be done, I believe when grading, effort and quality go above all else. Because of this, Mrs.Dilorenzo, I believe I deserve a 4 on my final. While, I hadn’t put all I had throughout my writing, I can finally see it’s time to make changes, and use the strong motivation and dedication I have towards writing, into this essay.

You may be thinking, what does effort have to do with anything? Quality of writing is something that can be picked up by anyone really. You can take a lesson, pay attention in class, etc. But effort, it’s something that the individual has to put in themselves, it’s not taught. The writer has to care about the quality, in order for the endeavor to shine through. I believe these are the “bible” rules to getting a good …show more content…

The sun's absence creates an ombre of gray amongst the sky.” Seems grammatically correct, and flows alright, but doesn’t look like I put in all I had. Forwarding to my latest poem, “I wish to find my last bits of solace in the light, but alas here I am, the last successor of a deserted garden, And it's alright, All I have is time to grow.” My writing style is much different, the flow and rhythm of my poem was way different as well, yes, and this was all because of the effort I put in. In addition to this, the “draft” I had of this poem, wasn’t as great, I took my time to further ask Mr.Varghese on ideas I could bounce off of. This act took dedication from the writer, being me, to make sure that the reader, being you, would truly enjoy the amount of work I put in. After all, putting your all, would never guarantee a