When Harry Met Sally Essay

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There is no human kinds who do not relate to someone else, and everybody needs to communicate with them which is called interpersonal communication. According the text book, it is defined as “A relationship context between two persons”. It “When Harry Met Sally ” is one of the best movie to observe interpersonal communication. Being limited the people who appear in the movie, Interpersonal communications between them are described very fully. The story based typical love story between Harry Burns and Sally Albright, each character played by Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. When Sally send Harry form Chicago to New York City, although they have never met each other, they argued about “man and woman cannot be friends” all along the way to the New York, and they seemed they cannot get along with each other because of Harry’s cynical attitude. They had never met and communicated again for five years until they run into at the airport. They each have someone to love. Their relationship was not even good enough to be friends and five more years has passed they met again. At this time, Relationships of both of them ended and they finally become friends. With in two year, spending time and sharing …show more content…

The they met first time, their relationship development began with Initiating stage, which is defined by textbook as “The stage of a relationship in which the parties attempt to create an impression.”, However, Since they had not communicated for five years since that time, it can be said they jumped to Stagnating stage. The textbook explained it “A relationship stage in which communication disappears.”. Since they met again ten years later, they started to advance their relation ship, and ultimately, they reached boning stage which textbook define “The stage of a relationship that signifies to the outside world a commitment to maintain