Where To Invade Next By Michael Moore Analysis

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In “Where To Invade Next”, Michael Moore travels to western European countries to compare how they view their public policies to how us Americans view ours. He soon discovers that although most of their policies originated from America, we drifted away from them. Throughout the movie, Moore used the card stacking technique by only showing the positive side of each policy and not showing what made these policies possible. The main speaker in “Where To Invade Next” was Michael Moore. Moore is a 62 year old white male who originated from Flint, Michigan and attended University of Michigan-Flint for a year before dropping out. He founded the Michigan Voice and then became the editor of Mother Jones, a liberal magazine in California for four months before getting fired. Throughout the movie, Moore interviews people from …show more content…

Moore got the message across by actually traveling to these countries and talking with people that live and work there. The subject was traveling to different places and “stealing” their policies. In Italy, Moore focused on the labor side of things by discussing labor rights, paid holiday and maternity leave, and a thirteenth month salary; in France, he focused and school lunches and sex education; in FInland, he spoke with Finnish teachers and the Minister of Education about their education policy; in Slovenia, Moore and Slovenia’s president spoke about the free college education; Germany believes in honest national history; Portugal got rid of the death penalty and celebrates May Day and they have a different drug policy than the U.S; in Norway, Moore traveled to the minimum security Bastøy prison and the maximum security Halden prison, where prisoners are treated like normal members of society; Tunisia has women’s rights relating to reproduction and abortion; and in Iceland, women have a lot of power and they just elected their first female