Which General Or Worldview Philosophy Best Fits Your Own View Of Reality? Why?

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1.) Which general or worldview philosophy best fits your own view of reality? Why? During the discussion of the class, I have thought about each branches having an importance for the classrooms. However, since I wish to participate in educating students with art education, I think that axiology is the best source of philosophy for the students to experience. Although axiology was a brief concept during the class, I personally see that art is mainly categorized to aesthetics (one of the sub branches that defines to the question of “What is beautiful?”) Due to art being criticized on its’ appearance, students can best learn the aesthetics of their own work, and can help broaden the horizons of the common core. 2.) Which one of the schools of thought discussed in class would you describe as authoritarian? Which one is non-authoritarian? Why? …show more content…

I believe so because as defined in class, idealism is based on guiding the students what is universal truth; it is considered to be un-opposable for the students and limited to their thoughts instead of being able to expand from there. Idealism is more conservative, where I personally feel that the only source/purpose for knowledge is the idea of educational continuity (transferring knowledge to continue culture, and beliefs.) The most non-authoritarian would be another sub-branch from metaphysics, which is essentialism. Although it focuses on similar criteria as idealism, this branch provides you a source of community for your own beliefs and value. It seems that it is mainly based on your own freedom of thoughts. However, as discussed in class, “It creates angst - there is fear of freedom.” so how far are we really unlimited