Which Personality Traits Or Personal Attributes Are Necessary For A Person To Perform Effective At Your Job?

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1) Give me a general description of your job. She is a vending machine supervisor whose duties consist of making sure the vending machines are fully functional and are full of items for purchases. She helps promote moral for the crew and raise money for the morale welfare recreation fund by providing barber and laundry services. She also provides coffee bar, vending machines and shipstore services. 2) Describe a typical day at work for you (for example, yesterday): Her typical day at work starts with mustering the division. Afterward, she would go down to the vending storeroom and grab her notebook to count and record the amount of drinks left. Next, she would go down to the store room to move sodas and snacks to about fifteen vending machines. She would fill and price the snacks …show more content…

8) Which personality traits or personal attributes are necessary for someone to perform effectively at your job? Which would be helpful or useful? The traits or personal attributes that are necessary to perform the job correctly are: sociable, organized, hardworking, trusting and knowledgeable. All of these traits are useful or helpful because you need to be friendly and sociable with the customers. The store room needs to be organized and tidy at all times. You have to have knowledge of the tasks that needs to be performed in order to perform the job correctly. Trust is necessary because you are in charge of a very high dollar value inventory that needs to monitor and recorded accurately. 9) (If appropriate) Describe any supervisory responsibilities you have. How central to your job is supervision? As the Vending Supervisor, She is in charge of overseeing everything within her department and making sure that all the tasks are done correctly and in a timely

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