Who Invented The Microscope Essay

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Definition of microscope; the microscope is an instrument which is used for magnifying objects that are too small to see with the naked eye; such as cells, bacterias and other microorganisms (particles).
It gives an enlarged image of the object.
Definition of lens; a piece of glass, or another transparent material, with curved sides. Used for bending light rays (concentrating or dispersing) which passes through. The phenomenon that causes the light to bend when crossing the lens is called refraction. The lens is used to make focusing adjustments.

Who invented the microscope? How did it get invented?
The microscope is one of the most important discoveries through the history, because of the improved understanding about the human body, it gave. About 2000 years ago, the Romans had made magnifying glasses out of rock crystals, but they were several times improved during the time as went. The “modern” glass lens was actually found later on- during the 1300’s, by the Italian Salvino …show more content…

The sight of religion changed; in the old society- when the church ruled and had a lot of power, the church had own religious beliefs and thoughts of the world, for example they claimed that diseases were caused by evil spirits and witches, or just by your own sins⇒ like when not following the “rules” or standards of the church; criticizing the them or denying the their theories of the universe. The church did have lots of theories (those were obviously made up by them), and forced people to believe these lies, mostly because to get more power over the people- they would otherwise be punished for believing other stuff than the church’s theories. The church actually didn’t let men to study science, to not learn and become clever. The church was always very afraid that people use the knowledge they’d gained from science, to demonstrate against it and overpower the church. They would then lose all their power and