Who Is Calling For No Homework Essay

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Calling for no homework!

If someone could choose no homework for the rest of their life what would they choose? Most people’s choice is no homework. Homework can be seen as “bullying the brain.” It has bad effects on children. The risks of what homework does is not worth taking. Although kids don’t learn until they show their skills through homework, it should be taboo for many reasons including it interferences with health, takes too much time out of the day, and has no academic benefit.

To begin with, kids don’t have time to exercise which is important to health. One health issue homework causes is stress which leads to depression. With all these activities have homework makes kids very stressed out which is unacceptable for younger kids. The next health concern is weight loss. From being so nervous about homework due students stop eating. Most of the time kids are doing homework while families are eating dinner and they don't even have time to come downstairs. This is a very concerning problem. The last health problem is sleep deprivation. As a kid anyone would stay up later to finish homework. This makes kids suffer with falling asleep. Kids should be sleeping about 9 …show more content…

First off, homework is supposed to teach students about the “real world” ,but isn’t it holding back students? Homework can be similar to a jail, you are stuck in someone's home not able to escape from the work overload. A kid usually stay inside to do homework and has no time to explore outside and new places. In addition, kids need relax time. Without relax time, kids don’t have anyway to live a kid's life. Lastly, a kid adds 10 minutes of homework per grade. For instance in 5th grade you should be doing about 50 minutes of homework and in 6th grade 60 minutes and so on. Almost all kids say on a daily basis in 6th grade there is more like 1 hours and 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes which is not