
Who Is George Milton's Second Murder

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The Killer Companion Best friends are supposed to be with you perpetually, not betray you when things get desperate. Today, George Milton is being prosecuted with the charge of first-degree murder. George Milton approached his supposed best friend, Lennie Small, and shot him in the back of the head. Lennie had no idea this was going to happen and he was enjoying George’s company leading up to his death. George planned this murder full of malice and committed it with another crime.
First-degree murder is often committed with another crime or felony. The ranch workers came into the barn and found Curley’s wife laying dead on the ground. Lennie was suspected of killing Curley’s wife since he was missing from the scene. The men became very belligerent and wanted to find Lennie, so Carlson went to seize his gun. Carlson’s gun, the Luger, was also missing. Carlson stated, “The bastard’s stole my Luger” (Steinbeck 97). Although he was referring to Lennie, Slim witnessed George with the Luger in his hand over the dead body of Lennie. In this case, George stole the murder weapon, the Luger, from a fellow ranch worker. This indicates that George committed another crime along with first-degree murder. …show more content…

Then in a minute you come out and tell the guys about her, and I’ll come along and make like I never seen her” (Steinbeck 95). Shortly after George left, the Luger was reported missing by Carlson, suggesting that he left the barn to get the Luger. This demonstrates that George planned to kill Lennie ahead of time because he arranged a plan to steal the Luger and also to use the Luger to murder Lennie. He put thought into this process and how Lennie’s death would be carried

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