Who Is George Orwell´s Animal Farm?

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On Monday, October 19, 2015, the 8th grade IB body of students walked over to Hardaway High School to observe their performance of Animal Farm. The play is based off the famous book by George Orwell. The overall theme of the play was a message of anti-communism, symbolized through the tyranny of the pigs. The play begins with all the animals being poorly treat by their owner (a human). They discuss ideas of revolting and creating their own “government”, and eventually they decide to make their dreams a reality. Once they are free from the evil hands of humankind, the idea is brought up to them that they must have a “constitution” of some sort—basically rules they all must follow to keep their “government” working. The pigs begin thinking of themselves vainly and elect themselves as “leaders”. At …show more content…

The young man who played Napoleon projected his voice excellently, and he was able to pull off the character change from an innocent character to an evil, deceitful tyrant. Boxer did exceptionally well also, as he was able to portray trait of a hard-working man who seemed to really believe what he was saying when playing the part. Clover was my overall favorite because she made me truly believe that she was the innocent, loving character she played. The way she spoke was melodic and sweet and perfectly matched the character traits of Clover. She wasn’t the only one thought who was believable as their character, though. All of the character were, for the most part, flawless in their performances. Most of them projected their voices well so that they were heard. Everyone’s gestures were perfectly timed and weren’t overdone. One of the best scenes was when Boxer died. As heartless as that may sound, the emotions shown by Clover and some of the other animals in that scene were phenomenal. They all worked together to produce the best performance they could give and it was