Who Is George Washington In The French And Indian War

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George Washington in the French and Indian War George Washington has lived and worked with the world’s most respected philosophers, writers, and inventors, such as Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. He was not as intellectual as other founders due to the lack of education, yet because of Washington’s remarkable personality, he was known as the Father of the Country. George Washington was a pivotal figure in the French and Indian War and this military experience has helped develop his character. The war began over a dispute between England and France for land in the Ohio River Valley. The French colonized this region and became alliances with the Native Americans. Washington, serving as a British military envoy, volunteered to help Dinwiddie deliver an Ultimatum to the French. By volunteering to aid Governor Dinwiddie, he left the impression that he was efficient, dependable, and ambitious. According to Joseph Ellis, “history first noticed George Washington in 1753 as a daring and resourceful twenty-one-year-old messenger sent on a dangerous mission into the American wilderness” (108). This was where Washington learned to become a leader. As a …show more content…

The French commander, Joseph Coulon de Jumonville, was killed by Tanacharison because he hoped that the Jumonville’s death would ignite the French and Indian war. Ellis stated that Washington was “shocked and hapless” (303) after seeing Tanacharison’s actions. In Washington’s letter to his brother, he wrote, “I heard bullets whistle and believe me there was something charming in the sound” (306). This quote was published in the Virginia newspaper and the stories written depicted Washington as a hero. Through this experience, Washington learned how to battle in a war and become a better leader. This was Washington’s first defeat and he this prepared him for a better battle in the