Who Is Odysseus A Hero

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When you think of a hero what do you think? You are probably thinking that there are strong or they are part god? Well, there is one hero who isn’t very strong and is just a mortal man; his name is Odysseus. Odysseus was known for his smarts and his ability to think before he acts. You need proof, read on!

You see Odysseus and his crew were once stuck inside a Cyclops 's, whose name is also Polyphemus, cave. While they were stuck Odysseus observed his surroundings and thought about what he could do to escape. He found a sharp a long mast of some kind. He got his men to work and told them to help make one end sharp. When the spear was sharp enough he put it over a first to get it nice and hot. When it was was flaming hot they stabbed the Polyphemus

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