Who Is Odysseus Selfless

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Odysseus Character Analysis
In the classic tale, The Odyssey by Homer, the main character Odysseus makes some questionable decisions. Odysseus and his crew simply wish to return home to their families. Along the way they encounter many challenges that lead to the death of all of Odysseus’ crew members. Although Odysseus is often viewed as an epic hero who is selfless and brave, Odysseus is not an admirable character. Odysseus is not an admirable character because of his arrogance and overwhelming ego. In the story of the Cyclops, Odysseus was able to lead his men from the Cyclops’ cave to their own ship. As Odysseus and his men leave the shore of the Cyclops’ island Odysseus turns around and calls to the Cyclops. Odysseus starts taunting the Cyclops with harsh words and accusations which then causes the Cyclops to hurl a bolder straight at their ship. Odysseus’ arrogance led him to continue prodding the large man with more taunts, thus inspiring the Cyclops to pray to Poseidon to bring a curse upon Odysseus and his men. In anger, the Cyclops prays: …show more content…

Should destiny intend that he shall see his roof again among his family in his father land, far be that day, and dark be the years between. Let him lose all companions, and return under strange sail to bitter days at home.’ (Homer ln