Who Is Responsible For Lord Of The Flies Downfall

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There could be many reasons why things go downhill and last a short period. This means many things do not last forever because of mishaps, chaos, and big problems. This shows how Lord of the Flies relates to brutality, chaos, and other things. Jack was the main cause of the downfall and demise of the island that the boys were stranded on from a plane crash. To start, Jack was a part of the entire group at the beginning of the story Lord of the Flies, and was a friend to Ralph, the main leader of the boys on the island. It all started when he first doubted Ralph’s sayings and ideas of how they would be rescued. Jack thought and said otherwise with increased tensions with Ralph and decided later on, to make his group of boys “The Hunters” instead …show more content…

Savagrey evolved into The Hunters and started to raid, attack, and steal things from Ralph’s group which resulted in breaking Piggy’s glasses, and more of Ralph’s boys joining Jack’s side. This created more rising tensions between both sides as The Hunters became savages and did not have weaknesses since they were the bigger group. There were other things that Jack and The Hunters have done such as killing Simon with no second thoughts with their wooden spears, mistaking him for the beast. They realize this after but did not care as much as Ralph does since Ralph is more of an open-minded person, and not close-minded and mean like Jack, and how Jack’s group shows a huge image of savagery. After all of the troubles, raids, and problems Jack and The Hunters have caused, they cause a war on the island by threatening Ralph and Piggy by doing bad things to them. The hunters have high tensions with Ralph and Piggy, when Ralph is confronting Jack and his group, Roger starts to throw rocks at Ralph and Piggy, and later on, he and the other boys roll down a huge boulder from the hill they were on and it killing Piggy in front of