Who Was Responsible For The Death Of Jack In Lord Of The Flies

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In The Lord of The Flies, the island starts out with a sensible leader whose sole goal was to save the boys from getting stranded on the island. It soon changes into a chaotic, unorganized place because of Jack Merridew. His leadership consisted of brutality and provoking fear into the other boys. This may or may not have helped cause the deaths of two boys on the island. It is possible that Jack helped cause the deaths of Piggy and Simon, but in no way is it true that he is the sole cause of their murder, as it is obvious who is. Some could say that Jack is at fault for the deaths of Piggy and Simon on the island. They say that he provoked fear into the other boys which caused their actions (killing the boys). They also say that if he (Jack) …show more content…

I believe that the person who did the killing of either Simon or Piggy is at fault. That is why Roger is the cause of Piggy’s death as he is the one who pushed the boulder into him. Roger is responsible for his actions and he is old enough to control himself. People who disagree with me will say that Jack told Roger to push the boulder, but there is no proof. And, as I said before, Roger should be able to control his own actions. The death of Simon is a bit more complicated. Several people were involved in his killing. People who believe Jack is at fault, say that he provoked fear into the group, or that he knew it was Simon and just said it was a beast when he yelled to attack it. However, it is pretty much impossible to lay the blame on one person. Even Ralph felt guilty for participating in the murder of Simon. This means even he, Jack’s enemy, did not blame Jack. Thus, it does not make sense for anyone to blame Jack for killing Simon, when he is not the only person who participated in the murder. You could say he is partly responsible for Simon’s death, but he is not any more guilty than any other boy on the island. You would be ignorant to say that Jack is the sole person that is responsible