
Who Is Responsible For The Murder Of Mr. Nesbitt

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In any society sometimes people make bad choices. In the robbery, Steve was on the lookout, but not responsible for Mr. Nesbit’s death. In the book Monster it read,’’ Mr. Harmon was supposed to give us a signal if cops were in the store.¨ He didn't signal. So the others ran in the drugstore, tried to rob the store, and in action, they shot the store owner. First, Steve was not found guilty. He was just at the store because he wanted some gum. Steve was not the look out though. But he was named off by a person named James King, the person who shot Mr. Nesbitt. Second, Steve was not the lookout, and he wasn’t even in the store when the gun went off. He was outside. But in integration Steve said that he wasn't at the store. But we all know he
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