Who Is The Real Monster In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein experiences many challenges from his creation to the end of the novel. He comes into contact with fire for the first time and burns his hand getting too close to it. The creature is abandoned by Frankenstein because of his appearance. The creature is often misjudged when people first see him because of his appearance. The creature was created using body parts of previously deceased humans. This is the cause of his grotesk look and why most people are scared once they see the creature for the first time, leaving the creature completely alone. This separation from society turned the creature into something he never had any intentions of being, a monster. Many people misunderstand the true story of Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein, the creator of the creature, could highly be to blame for the outcome of the creature’s behavior. Frankenstein abandoned the creature, leaving him with nothing. Similar to a newborn snake in the wild, they are more dangerous when they don’t know the extent of their own power. Frankenstein was a creature, in a new habitat, that looked like a complete monster. He was forced to be lonely, he was not a loner. …show more content…

His dearest Elizabeth at home, away from her for years. His only traces of her were mental photographs and hand written letters. He was away at college for 6 years before traveling home and for part of that time he was completely alone building the creature. The creature took over 2 years to make. If monster building was art of the rennaissance, Frankenstein was a picasso of his time. The creature was big, strong, powerful, and intimidating. Although, he was not evil. Frankenstein left himself exiled from the common world for so long, that he was to used to it. Yes, the monster was intimidating, but he was not evil. He has never meant to hurt