Who Is Tom Sawyer Devil

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Tom Sawyer in a way, is the devil on Huckleberry’s shoulder. The childish part of Huck, with Jim being the angel and the mature part. The river that Huck goes down is a metaphor of Huckleberry’s heroes journey and overall growing maturity. At the start, Tom has total control over Huck. They are both very immature, and their pranks are quite out of hand. Once Huck gets out on the river everything changes. Tom’s grip is slowly loosened. Huck still plays some pranks,“He was barefooted, and the snake bit him right on the heel,”( Twain,63). but he also begins to mature very quickly. He meets two men that are named the Duke and the King. They are thought to represent Huck and Tom in the future. It is only after Huck finally ditches the that