
Who Joins ISIS And Why

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"In a world-wide count around 25,621 people have died due to terrorism in 2016" (Number of casualties...). Since 2014 the number of terrorist fatalities have declined. A terrorist is an individual or a group of people that are politically motivated. They imitate and create violent acts towards a group, people and government. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), is a terrorist group that originate in the middle east since 1999. When a young boy called Abu Musab, was so inspired by Osama's ideas that he decided to spread them to other Islamic states. To this day ISIS is occupying a part of the middle east territory They have been at war for about two decades with other countries because they want to take over their land. Many people are …show more content…

According to John Graham, author of "Who Joins ISIS and Why?", published in Huffpost stated, "ISIS skillfully uses its powerful religious ideology to convince recruits to accept a life that in all probability will include considerable privation and sacrifice." This show that people are going terrorist because people thing it an obligation to going a terrorist group. The different terrorist groups try to brain wash you and convince the people that their god wanted them to. The word Jihad Is often translated to "Holy War". Many people are translating it to holy war but the real meaning is "struggling and Striving". Holy war is when they have declared war in support of a religious cause. Moreover, according to Jennifer Williams, author of "How ordinary people become terrorists", published on Vox, stated, "The point is that although it is true that the perpetrators of the Paris attacks were affiliated with ISIS and were pursuing a violent jihadist agenda, and it is true that jihadist radicalization is a real phenomenon we should take seriously, radicalization can and often does occur in many other forms.". This show that a religious belief can influence people to join terrorist groups. The Islamic believe in jihad and they translate it to a different meaning which people think it the correct meaning. The groups try to brain wash an individual and make the person believe in a different interpretation. Millions of people are going terrorist groups because of their religion belief. The only form of government that can do anything would the United Nations (UN). The UN is created of 193 countries, including a big majority of Asia, Middle East etc... The UN should come forward and come to an agreement to separate the religions. They should create territories for every religion and make rules. The rule will include the bombing will stop and they will be left alone and other religions cannot invade or

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