
Who Was Responsible For Macbeth's Downfall

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The Downfall Of Macbeth
Shakespeare's drama Macbeth emphasizes the corrosive influence of uncontrolled ambition. Macbeth's demise is ultimately due to a terrible weakness in himself: ambition. However, in the shape of witches and predictions, fate is also to blame for his downfall since they impose his wickedness. Lady Macbeth's quest for power also influences Macbeth's destruction. She uses persuasion as a driving force behind Macbeth to persuade him to kill Duncan and fulfill her wants, all contributing to Macbeth's tragedy. The three witches and Lady Macbeth greatly impact Macbeth, yet he is largely responsible for his downfall because of his actions throughout the book. Macbeth is responsible for his downfall as a result of his ambition …show more content…

Lady Macbeth is characterized as a forceful, ambitious lady who manipulates Macbeth effortlessly. She is immensely power-hungry, prepared to sacrifice her morals in order to obtain a title. "Come, you spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, /And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full/Of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood". She manipulates Macbeth into killing Duncan because she has such a deep yearning for power. She plays on his machismo and bravery to influence his self-esteem. "When you durst do it, then you were a man; / And to be more than what you were, you would / Be so much more the man. "Lady Macbeth does all of this out of thirst for power; she knows she has the potential to control Macbeth, and if Macbeth becomes monarch, she will be able to rule the monarch and be Queen herself. Without Lady Macbeth's influence, Macbeth would not have slain Duncan, and the tragedy would not have occurred. Lady Macbeth brings forth the best in Macbeth, who is not a cold-blooded murderer without feelings. Despite his desire for the prophecy to come true and for him to become King, Macbeth lacks the zeal that his wife possesses to perform the murder. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that if he does not act on his passions, he will think of himself as a coward. Lady Macbeth is largely responsible for Macbeth's demise because of her greedy ambition, which she …show more content…

The witches impose prophecies on Macbeth; the witches motivate Macbeth to commit the murders because Macbeth trusts the prophecies and does not examine whether they are genuine or not. Macbeth also fails to see the unraveling of the witches' predictions when the wood of Beckham begins to move towards his castle, the spirits of Banquo and other ghosts like Banquo, and eventually when Macduff explains that he was born from women after being pulled from her womb. Macbeth ignores his shame and conscience, instead allowing his ambition to rule his actions. Because he knows his future is ruined and that his acts have repercussions, Macbeth's character begins to collapse, putting the drama in motion and leading him to his end. "All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be King hereafter! "Macbeth learns this revelation, but instead of waiting for fate or destiny to make him King, he takes events into his own hands. Although the witches foretell Macbeth's fate, it is ultimately Macbeth's free will that leads him to murder. The witches offered him opportunities and planted thoughts in his head, but it was up to him to carry them through. Without the three witches' help, Macbeth would never have slain Duncan. They are plainly evil and deceptive, and they gradually destroy his character since the

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