
Who Was Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet play a part in a very sad story. They were seen to have killed themselves however, they did not commit such a crime. Figuratively speaking, yes they killed themselves, but there’s more to the story than just that. A dear relative to them both by marriage was the cause of this horrible tragedy. He is the beloved cousin to Juliet, and newly to Romeo…Tybalt. Tybalt instigates fights too much for no good reason. He is only a cousin, yet he wants to fight a montague every time he sees one. Romeo is enjoying himself at the Capulet party when Tybalt sees him and wants to kill him. Tybalt needs to tone his anger down. The fact that he is only a cousin in an ongoing family feud gives him less of a reason to fight than anyone. …show more content…

However this coral did do damage to Romeo and his relationship with Juliet, he becomes banished after killing Tybalt, making it even harder to see his wife. Lastly, Tybalt causes the destruction of the two lovers due to him being too much into the feud. Romeo went to the Capulet party to see girls and get over Rosaline, when Tybalt spotted him and wanted to kill him. “To fleer and scorn at our solemnity? Now by the stock and honor of our kin, to strike him dead I hold it not a sin”(1.5.57-59). Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo right there because he was dishonoring his family by his presence, which doesn’t make much sense. Tybalt, only a cousin, was way too much into the feud. He needed to calm his whole hatred for the Montagues and the love for fighting down. Romeo and Juliet kept finding themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. They came across Tybalt who was trouble no matter where he went. In life and death, Tybalt is trouble, trouble for Romeo and Juliet. “Was Tybalt’s doomsday, whose untimely death banished the new-made bridegroom from this city”(5.3.234-235). Romeo and Juliet are “star crossed lovers” caught in the feud of a family, and one angry

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