Why All Unhealthy Drink Options Should Be Allowed In Schools

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A recent study shows that two-thirds of students are lacking the vital nutrients the need. I strongly believe that this issue could be resolved with something as simple as removing all unhealthy drink options from school and only serving healthy options such as, water, white milk, and natural fruit juice. First of all, this policy promotes a healthier lifestyle for young adults to live by. Also, this plan would reduce the amount of sugars and toxins that our kids receive. Finailly, this regulation will ensure that students receive the maximum amount of nutrients while at school. As can be seen, healthy drink options should be the only thing supplied at school for the health of our children. First of all, this refinement promotes a healthier lifestyle for our children. It would make a significant change in young adult obesity levels. It could also lead children to make healthier food choices and make them more involved in making sure the only supply their body with the most beneficial food and drink options. Having all of out nutrients that we need keeps us from being unproductive and tired also having the feeling of being tired can cause student to lose focus on their class work as well. All in all, removing bad or unhealthy drinks would enable our children to live long and healthy lives and widen their abilities. …show more content…

Sugars give kids increased amounts of cavities, but that could greatly subside if no unhealthy drinks were served at school. Furthermore, the more natural ingredients that we can give back to our body is always something that can be beneficial to us, vitamins and nutrients are vital for overall health. After all, drinks such as soda can also make it difficult to maintain an appropriate weight, sodas and other similar drinks can be very fattening to the body. Water on the other hand does not contain any contributing factors towards negative