CNMI Is In Bad Health Essay

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Many issues and sicknesses for young populations can be linked to sugary beverages and sodas. This research draws upon the consumption of sugary beverages and the effects it has on young populations and the future of the CNMI. By surveying and researching the connections between the young populations in the CNMI and sugary beverages, we should be able to have a clearer understanding of what exactly are the issues and what is there to focus on. CNMI’s Youth is in Bad Health Introduction It’s not just in mainland America where diabetes is an issue; CNMI is also in the same situation. These soft drinks are making negative impacts on the youth and everyone's health is more negative than we think it is and we should spread awareness and educate people of this critical issue. Yes, many laws were introduced in the past so that many beverage companies had to restrict the use of some types of artificial flavors and additives but it isn’t enough to insure the safety of our people’s health. People who drink about 1-2 sodas regularly a day or more have a 26% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than people who barely drink any sodas at all. I believe kids even at elementary should be educated about the harms that soda can give to you. There are many pictures of obese people and rotting teeth …show more content…

About 7/11 soft drinks are imported and not locally made which leads to most sodas having preservatives and additives for long travels to be imported, and less likeliness for natural ingredients. Many of the choices of soft drinks are imported which are high in sugar/high fructose corn syrup which leads to many of the health issues that have been mentioned. The survey details up next will go more in depth in the thoughts of the people and their consumption on soft