Why America Should Open Their Eyes To Healthy Eat Essay

484 Words2 Pages

Madison McCormick

Mrs. Phillips

English Comp.

22 September 2014

Why America Should Open Their Eyes to Healthy Eating

Eating healthy and a well balanced diet, provides the right nutrients to your body. These nutrients give you energy, along with keeping your muscles working, and your brain active. Good nutrients can also help build muscle, strengthen bones, and regulate body process, such as blood pressure.
Good nutrition can lower your risk of developing many kinds of cancers and chronic disease. For example, eating more fruit and vegetables can help lower blood cod pressure and may lower risk of certain types of cancer. Eating less saturated fat may also decrease your risk of developing heart disease. Healthy eating can also help people …show more content…

With over 50% of the population overweight their ideal weight, and 30% obese, America’s life span is continuing to decrease. 2.8 million people die each year of obesity, so why have we yet to open our eyes to a healthier life style? Over the years, portion sizes, or the amount of food being eaten in one sitting have grown by a lot. If you were served a cheeseburger 20 years ago, it would have probably been only 300 calories. Today if you ordered a cheeseburger, you’re likely to get something nearly double the size of 600 calories! That’s too much to eat all at once, especially when pared with fries and a soda, to be considered healthy. Over time, mega-meals can add up to your waistline and take a toll on your health.
Fast food companies have lowered the price of meals, making it a reasonable decision to purchase and save money. Little do we know what the ingredients are hidden in our food, is doing to our bodies. With the increasing demand for food and amount of people buying it, their businesses are forced to prepare faster food, this means that the ingredients that are put into the food and how it is prepared is less likely to be

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