Why Are Inequitable Taxes Be Conveyed The Message To The Colonists?

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Tom Paine famously said “These are times that try men’s souls.” What revolution means is to over through the previous government and form a new one. This quote motivated the colonists and pushed them towards declaring Independence because some Patriots gave up. He used this quote to coax a lot given up Patriots to come back and help their fellow Patriots. By all the ruckus created by the British and the Americans, both sides wanted the new land to be theirs. The most prominent obstacles the Americans faced were harsh laws that were enforced, dishonest amounts of taxes, and confined amounts of freedom. American colonists definitely deserve to detach from great Britain’s rule for many different reasons. When examining the harsh laws …show more content…

The explanation of inequitable amounts of taxes means getting taxed without representation. That means paying money to the Crown but not having a say in the Parliament. Colonists were were upset because they thought they were the only bearing the pressure of taxes but yet unaware of the struggling citizens in Great Britain. Acts like the Stamp Act taxed colonists for pretty much every printed material with a stamp on it like important documents. One way the colonists responded to taxation without representation was to boycott the bare necessities traded from Great Britain. Such as sugar for their tea, which was pretty hard to give up since colonists loved sugar in their tea.The Sugar Act proposed to lower taxes on molasses, but let officials have writs of assistance, legal documents to search colonists’ homes to stop sugar smuggling. Another scenario was when they turned away every single British ship that came into the colonies except Boston. The governor was not amused for this plan and therefore rejected the proposal. The last response is, when colonists got extremely frustrated by the British and started to rebel. The Boston Tea Party is a classic example, where they dumped 342 crates of tea into the Atlantic Ocean. The fight between the colonists and the British still raged on no matter what laws are restricted or the unfair