Why Are Juvenile Records Expunged?

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We were all young and stupid at some point in our lives. Juveniles were reckless and didn’t think of the future or of the consequences of their actions. the expungement of juveniles records is very important to an adult that is making a better life for themselves. If Juvenile records are not expunged, it can harm an adult if they end up in court again. The adult will not receive a fair chance at trial since the juvenile records can be considered at the time of sentencing. The criminal justice system recognizes that when they set up the expunged process. It gives every single adult a second chance to better themselves and their lives. It gives them hope that their life can change even though they have made bad decisions in the past. For many offenders, that is a motivation to get clean and leave that path. Offenders experience the hardship of obtaining a job, receiving education, and many other opportunities with a felony on their records before they turn 18. When they turn 18 many avoid committing crimes for that reason. Even though the records are expunged there are a few occupations …show more content…

Many of my friends loved to illegally drink and smoke. I remember many of them were caught and arrested. The majority of them did take advantage when their records were expunged and they made a new start. On the other hands, some of them didn’t and it sadness me to see them where they are at. When I was a probation officer, I ran into many of them and the story was the same, “ I continued hanging with the wrong crowd”, or “I just didn’t learn my lesson”. Also, there are the once that wanted to try it once and got caught. The one time they were influenced and made a bad decision, it affected them. So in conclusion, even if many juveniles that will not take advantage of their records being expunged, there are a lot more juveniles that will and have a better