Why Are Unions Important Essay

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Why are unions important? They are important because they help set health and safety standards. They provide job security and provide comfort to workers when they are reporting workplace violations. They help set up apprenticeship programs and training programs for younger workers looking to go into certain work fields. They also help prevent Wage theft from diverse races and minorities. These are the reasons why unions are so important to keeping America running smoothly. The origin of unions dates back to the beginning of American history The first strike was in 1768 in New york when some of the tailors protested wage reductions. But the first union was formed In 1794 in Philadelphia and it was called the Federal Society of Journeyman …show more content…

workers at unionized workplaces are far less likely to get fired for reporting incidents at their workplaces because there are contracts put in with the union and the workplace that state that they will not be fired for reporting incidents at work. unions are also more likely to pay for mental health days for their employees. 30% more union workers have more sick and paydays off than their non-union counterparts (bls.gov). In some unions, the unions will pay for workers who were laid off so they can still provide for their families and help them with resources to find a new job. unions also help by providing health insurance or giving a discounted rate because it helps their members and that is why one of the reasons unions were started. That is how unions help with job security and time …show more content…

85% of apprentice programs are run by unionized workplaces (bol.gov) Some apprenticeship programs such as electricians Steel Workers Engineers mechanics and Carpenters are more likely to be run by Ironworkers Carpenters and metal workers are the most likely for apprenticeships to turn jobs unionized companies. 25% more apprenticeships led to jobs in unionized workplaces than their non-unionized counterparts unionized workplaces are more likely to hire people that need training the non-unionized counterparts because most unions are looking toward the future and that is a way for them to help young people get into new jobs in careers to benefit America. workplaces that lay people off are more likely to provide resources to help the people find new jobs They are more likely to provide resources because unions are supposed to be able to help people with their jobs and getting into jobs so that is a way that they help people. an example of this would be if a person got laid off from their job because of covid the Union that is a part of that company would give them resources such as phone numbers emails and places that are looking for employees in that job field so that is how unions help people find jobs. unionized workplaces are more likely to pay better minorities They are more likely to pay minorities more because it is a good way to have more communities look at unions as good things. This is how unions help with